Monday, November 8, 2010

Date or not? (1)

Being attracted to the opposite gender is an intrinsic first step toward a marriage between a woman and a man. When we meet someone and we are attracted to them, generally we hope that we are able to find an opportunity to get to know that person more, so that we can determine if that person can just be a friend, a buddy, or if there is any potential to begin a romantic relationship.  In the culture of the U.S.A., the goal is all about going on a date.

According to, a date means, “A social appointment, engagement, or occasion arranged beforehand with another person (opposite gender).”  For instance, Jimmy will go out on a date with Ashley on Saturday.  This is the chance for Jimmy to see if there is something between them. He will probably buy her lunch or dinner, do some interesting activities, have some meaningful dialogues that can hopefully be a foundation for deeper conversations in the future. Of course at the end of the date, Jimmy will take her home. Different ways to say goodbye from Jimmy and Ashley,  such as giving a hug or approaching to kiss, will decide if there will be a second date, a third date, starting a relationship or nothing.

In the Chinese culture, which I come from, there is nothing like “going out on a date”. We do “hang out,” though.  Let’s use Jimmy and Ashley again as an example. If Jimmy likes Ashley, probably he will see if there is any way to be a friend with her first. Once they become friends, they will keep hanging out. They will probably talk on the phone as well. They will often find time to do things together instead of just “hang out”.  If they realize that there is any romantic spark,  they will wait for the right moment to express their feeling. It enables them to move on to the next stage as boyfriend and girlfriend.

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